Development training event
Programme lead: Alan Muir
In 2015, Network Rail ran the first Your Voice employee engagement survey. The results showed that people in Property wanted more help and support around their personal development. This led to the creation of the Property People Panel, which was initially sponsored by Sharon Broome and Alan Muir and supported by the Property HR team. Scott Fisher was originally the chair of the People Panel but has since handed over the reigns to Jill Stephenson.
The panel is made up of a cross functional group of people champions. Their remit is to drive the delivery of Property’s Better Every Day projects, which supports the development and engagement of property colleagues.
Words from Jill Stephenson
Welcome to the new People Panel brief – designed to give you an update on our People Panel initiatives.
We start by reflecting on what has been achieved since the People Panel’s inception and a look forward to programmes launching this year for YOU to benefit from.
Our dedicated working group have pulled together a variety of programmes that supports your personal development so there really is something for everyone: from apprenticeships to line manager training and coaching or mentoring to help you with your career development.
If you want to find out more, please contact me or any of the programme leads. And if you have any ideas for new people development initiatives, or want to get involved in the panel, we’d be really excited to hear from you!
Programme lead: Gareth Bell & Kirsten Durie
Audience: Everyone
Launching: Now
Programme lead: Scott Fisher
Audience: Everyone
Launching 2019
Programme lead: Alan Muir
Audience: Managers
Launching: 27-28 November 2019